So as usually I am way behind in my posting... so here goes it! This Christmas season by far exceeded all of my other Christmas's, having little cookie in our lives and having gone through such a dramatic experience right after having the baby definitely help me feel closer to not only my family but to my savior.
This year Jon and I went a few days before Christmas down to Kristen and Tyler's cabin in hobble creek, where we were able to see all the family for Austyn's Birthday, see the lights down on temple square, sled and just relax.
Here Cookie is with Great Grandma and Grandpa Cook!
The lovely lights
During the week of Christmas we stayed at my sisters house for a few days just to make it feel more festive! Here are some pics!The ladies sledding on Christmas!
And here we are for New Years! Jon's family came in for the baby blessing.. which pictures will be on next post!