Monday, April 26, 2010

Brooklyn 4 Months... well now she is 5 months!

So I started working on this post forever ago but was having a hard time getting this video uploaded. So here it is finally. Cookie is now 5 months, but here are some of the tricks she was doing at 4 months. She is always laughing and likes talking to herself! I can't remember her stats from the doctor but I do remember that she is 50% for height, weight and head size! Cookie is such a delight, she is easy to take out and about, she loves her jumper.. she just bounces and bounces while watching the backyardigans.. which is also a new love of hers. She is a really good sleeper, and takes really good naps during the day, I do love her for that. Oh yeah and she is a total daddy's girl, her face lights up whenever she hears Jon's voice!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vikingman Race!

Our friends the Kohl's put together a Vikingman race last weekend. There were about 65 participants and I think 13 teams. It was a blast the course was 10.2 miles long which consisted of running, biking and obstacle courses. It was sweet, here is Jon and I's team and the post below is a video of the event.

Vikingman 2010.m4v

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Parents in Town

So a few weeks ago my parents made the trek out here from Washington. This was the first time my dad has seen the baby.. and she loved him! It was so much fun to have them around, and we are sad they have gone home.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Gateway Half Marathon

Last month Jon and I along with some of our friends went to Gateway and ran the half marathon. The run was beautiful, full of red rocks like Zion's and a river to run by. It was super fun to get out there again and such an accomplishment. Jon ran the entire way with me also .. what a good husband! Our poor driver also hit a deer 2 miles away from our destination, luckily only the car was injured!


This year for Easter we had a sleepover at my sister Jill's house which is always fun. Jon hid all the Easter baskets which was pretty funny, he even buried one of them under the sand.. so it took us a while to find them.

Here is karter that found Cookies basket for her while she was napping!

We had a really good time and I made my first tiered cake.. Key Lime.. what do you think?

Utah Trip

So a while back Jon and I were able to take a trip to Utah and stay downtown SLC and stay in the condo. It was a quick trip but super fun to see family. Here we are on our lovely walk around the capital.