Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Weekend Getaway.. Pismo Beach and Solvang!!

Jon and I got to get out town this weekend to visit some friends! As Jon and I headed down the 101 we thought our weekend might be doomed by overcast skies but as we made it to the beach they cleared out and we got to play. Kristen and I got to surf for a while and then we all stayed together for a sleep over in the hotel. Here we are all geared up to get into the cold water!

There I am surfing.. just about to loose my balance.. but hey we got it on camera!

And of course we can not post a beach blog without showing Jon's drip castles, we have to make one every beach trip, I think this is the best one so far!
On our way home we stopped at Solvang which is a little Danish community, we walked around the shops and ate delicious cheese, We love cheese!
On our way out of town we saw these beautiful rows of flowers and couldn't resist not taking a picture of them.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Dodgers Game Night

Last week we went to the Dodgers game for Mormon night.. who knew there was such a thing? I'm not sure I have ever sat so high up in a stadium before or so far away from where the actual game is going on, but we had a great time. We got there a little late, ate the Dodger dog, sang the song, and took off a little early to beat traffic. This is not to imply however that we are fair weather fans, but the Dodgers were not going to win and we beat a lot of traffic that way.

This is what happens when the game gets really slow and the Dodger's are down by ..Solitaire takes over!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Family Fun!

We got to have visitors this past weekend, Friend Emily, and Friend David, (it's kind of a joke we started calling each other, in fact I think Emily might name her baby Friendgino or Friendgina depending on if its a girl or boy! and we also had Mom and Dad Cook in town. It was so fun to just get to visit with each other. Saturday we all went to Zuma Beach, where David and I almost drowned trying to catch waves body surfing, Jon was a pro! We build sand castles and went to a fun little resteraunt on the beach, it was super great! WE loved having everyone in town and wish all the rest of the family had been here!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!!

The big 26 was last week and Jon and I went to dinner with Amber and Chris to celebrate, it was a great time! Jon was sweet and had cute suprises planned throughout the night, and I got this amazing Iron Man watch that hooks up with a GPS and tells me exactly how far I have ran, how fast, my average pace, my fastest pace and all sorts of other stuff it's pretty great and now I don't have to have Jon drive me around every night to see how far I have ran for the day!

Monday, July 9, 2007

I've Been Tagged!

So my friend Gay tagged me.. so here goes some stuff about me!!!

4 jobs I've had: 1)NuSkin Enterprises 2)Los Hermanos 3)New Freedom Mortgage 4) Summer Sales
4 movies I can watch over and over again: 1)Sweet Home Alabama 2) Bourne Identidy 3)Just Like Heaven 4) V for Vendetta (edited)
4 places I've lived: 1) Kennewick Wa. 2) Provo Ut. 3) Hunnington Beach Ca. 4) Bellevue Wa.
4 favorite TV shows: 1)The Office 2) Price is right 3) Honestly I never watch T.V.
4 places I've been: 1) Cancun 2)Grand Caymen Islands 3) Texas 4) Cozamel
4 favorite foods: 1)Steak and Potatoes! 2) Ribs and Wings! 3) Fajitas 4)Brownies and Ice Cream
4 websites I visit daily: 1) my blog 2)Consumer labs (For Work) 3) my bank accounts 4) All recipes
4 places I'd rather be: 1) On vacation 2)Camping 3) Having a BBQ 4) Playing Softball
4 blog buddies I want to tag: 1)Kristen Nelson 2) Jill Harmon 3) Mom Cook
4)Lindsay Stoyan

Friday, July 6, 2007

More Pic's.. I couldn't fit them all on one!!

Wedding Pic's .. Just In!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Sisters Are a Girls Best Friend!

"For there is no friend like a sister, in calm or stormy weather, to cheer one on the tedious way, to fetch one if one goes astray, to lift one if one totters down, to strengthen whilst one stands"

My sister Jill came to town this weekend, and it was such a great time! It's not often we have the luxury of getting to just hang out and be carefree together and I really enjoyed it! I was sad that she had to go, and the past few days I have been reflecting on how great she is, and how much of a strength she has been in my life. So I decided to post my Top 10 great things I love about my sister Jill!

1. Jill is the glue that keeps my family all connected, she is aware of everything and every ones needs. I don't think a Birthday or an event like (Mother's Day) you know things you are supposed to remember goes by without a phone call from Jill reminding me of it!!
2. Jill is crazy fun, she is up for anything and everything, she just knows how to be herself and let loose and have a good time. I used to tell her I was the life of the party.. but we always knew she was!
3. Jill has always been there for me no matter what, in times of happiness, sadness, trials, cooking.. anything really you name it and she is there. She always gives the best advice and helps to calm me if something goes wrong or if something goes right. I call her for just about everything!
4. Jill is a great Mom to her children, and a great Wife to her husband, and I admire her, and hope that I can be that great someday to my family.
5. Jill knows me better then I probably know myself, kind of funny actually but she does and I love that!
6. Jill is really giving, she always gives of herself and what she has, she is always there to help someone, she is just so thoughtful.
7. Jill has become amazingly athletic, she is great at running, biking, swimming. She just did her first Tri-atholon and did great!! I need to get on the ball so we can run one together.
8. Jill and I can talk for hours about really nothing and be perfectly content, we get super silly when we are together, specially if we are around the whole family. Jill also gets really crazy if we give her any caffeine!!
9. Jill is really creative, she can come up with the best poems, best rhymes, and notes to give someone, the best gifts, she seems to just know how to make and do everything really
10. Jill is a great example of who I want to be like, shes my best Friend and I love her!

It has been fun to reflect on the great people in my life, anyone reading this should give it a try!
Here are some pic's of us at the beach, having a good time. We rode bikes, played on the beach, ate good food, went to the third street promanade, watched some funny movies and just really hung out, it was great!

Isn't this the perfect pic!