Monday, July 23, 2007

Dodgers Game Night

Last week we went to the Dodgers game for Mormon night.. who knew there was such a thing? I'm not sure I have ever sat so high up in a stadium before or so far away from where the actual game is going on, but we had a great time. We got there a little late, ate the Dodger dog, sang the song, and took off a little early to beat traffic. This is not to imply however that we are fair weather fans, but the Dodgers were not going to win and we beat a lot of traffic that way.

This is what happens when the game gets really slow and the Dodger's are down by ..Solitaire takes over!!


Amber said...

I think solitare was more the result of sitting 3rd row from the back of the nose-bleeds! I can't tell 'ya what happened with the Dodgers, but I know I won a wicked hand of Vegas-style cards that night:)

Next summer, we'll have to splurge and buy seats inside the stadium!

DMom said...

I am missing CA already! I think it is time for another visit.